& Events

What´s new at Flavine? We´ll keep you updat­ed on any devel­op­ment and news on this page. Feel free to share also our event informations!

New Flavine Proprietary API

Flavine is embark­ing upon a new pipeline of pro­pri­etary mas­ter files of gener­ic APIs for all mar­kets. We are proud to announce the avail­abil­i­ty of Rux­oli­tinib Phos­phate API.

Flavine has part­nered with a reput­ed CDMO to devel­op and man­u­fac­ture Rux­oli­tinib Phos­phate. Flavine can sup­port your fil­ing strat­e­gy by uti­liz­ing our exper­tise of serv­ing the gener­ic indus­try for 45+ years.

Rux­oli­tinib Phos­phate is a potent and selec­tive anti­cancer, inhibitor of Janus kinase‑1 and Janus kinase‑2. As a BCS Class I drug, it is a can­di­date for BCS  bio-waiv­er in lieu of BE study.

Ruxolitinib Phosphate is indicated for these therapeutic treatments:

Con­tact Flavine for Rux­oli­tinib Phos­phate sam­ples and more infor­ma­tion on oth­er salts.

Disclaimer: All products which are covered under current patents are available only for use reasonably related to the development and submission of information to the related Health Authorities to the extent permitted under applicable laws regulating the manufacture, use and sales of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and/or their intermediates.

New Development — Ruxolitinib Phosphate API

Approved Ruxolitinib Phosphate finished dosage forms:

New Laboratory Facility

New EU Retest & Release Laboratory

In a world where the health­care rev­o­lu­tion is increas­ing­ly trans­form­ing our lives, Flavine is lead­ing the expan­sion of sourc­ing activ­i­ties for its cus­tomers. For more than 45 years, we are thriv­ing to add val­ue to the busi­ness of both sup­pli­ers and cus­tomers by locat­ing and devel­op­ing qual­i­ty man­u­fac­tur­ers and open­ing up new markets.

Flavine is excit­ed to announce our new, state of the art, GMP-com­pli­ant lab­o­ra­to­ry facil­i­ty that offers com­pre­hen­sive ana­lyt­i­cal ser­vices, QC retest, and release test­ing of active phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal ingre­di­ents and fin­ished dosage forms. Com­ple­ment­ing our full-ser­vice QC test­ing, we also pro­vide robust method devel­op­ment, val­i­da­tion, and trans­fer of phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal prod­ucts and raw materials.


New GMP Sampling Installation:

Next Events

API China 2025

Dates: TBD,   Xi’an Inter­na­tion­al Con­ven­tion & Exhi­bi­tion Cen­ter, Xian, Chi­na‑api-china-12694–1.html

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CPHI India

Start date Novem­ber 25th, 2025   End date Novem­ber 27th, 2025 CPHI…

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